Selecting A Roofing Contractor

At Don Sing Roofing in Lebanon, Missouri, we know how important it is to select the right roofing contractor for your job. Whether you need a complete roof replacement or a roof repair, we highly recommend asking many questions before making that decision. We want you to have confidence in knowing if you choose Don Sing Roofing, you are dealing with professionals that have your best interest at heart.
Questions To Ask a Roofing Contractor
The need for a reliable shelter from the elements of nature such as rain, snow, wind and the scorching sunshine during the day is one of the basic needs that human beings need to survive. Your roof comes in contact with all the elements of weather. Therefore, it is one of the most important aspects of your home protecting you from those elements. When choosing a roofing contractor, it is important that you make sure they will be able to give you a roof that will work well and one that will last a long time. Here are a few questions that might help you in choosing the right contractor.
1. How experienced are you in the field?
Knowing the time that the roofing contractor has been working in the field will enable you to know how much experience they have and therefore you will be able to tell the quality of services to expect from them. Where possible, it might be useful to visit some of the sites that they have worked on and have a look at the roof. As much as the design and layout is important, it is very important to ask about the functionality of the roof.
2. How long will you take to complete this project?
It is very important to know the time that the project is expected to take. This way you will be able to plan your time so that you meet your financial obligations as planned. This also helps you compare the service delivery of the contractor with other similar contractors. If the quality of results and the cost of the project is roughly the same, then you might find it necessary to pick the contractor who has a faster turnaround time. However, do not use this as the only method of choosing a contractor as it can land you in serious trouble.
3. Do you have workers liability insurance?
Asking if the company has an arrangement for workers compensation or some form of liability insurance will help you know how well prepared the company is for undesirable events. Offering services like roofing services is an area that is covered with very many risks. The workers are exposed to many risks as they carry about their normal day to day operations. Having liability insurance will ensure that the contractor is safe from any losses in the event that an accident or any other undesirable event occurs. Liability insurance also saves time since it ensures that there are no major delays as the project is going on because everything will be well taken care of. You can rest assured knowing that Don Sing Roofing does have liability insurance.
4. What certifications do you have?
Asking about the certification will enable you to gauge the level of professionalism and expertise to expect from the company. In order to get these certifications, the roofing companies are forced to meet certain pre-established criteria that show their devotion, competence and suitability in the field. As a result, it is expected that every company that has the certification will be in a position to provide high quality services. Feel free to discuss certifications with Don Sing Roofing.
5. On average, how many repeat or referral projects do you get?
This will enable you to know the level of customer care that is offered by the company. If the company does a good job, most customers will not hesitate to give them a similar job if they have any, as well as refer them to friends who need the same services. An expert roofing company such as Don Sing Roofing has no problem providing many references from satisfied customers.
6. After signing with you, what am I expected to do?
It is very important that you know exactly what is expected of you after you decide to go with that contractor. This will ensure that you do what is expected of you without causing any delays Hence everyone will be happy. It is very advisable to have a written copy of the duties that are expected to be performed by each party and the consequences of failing to perform as expected.
These are just a few suggested questions that Don Sing Roofing would recommend asking for anyone in need of a roof replacement or roof repair. Of course, please feel free in asking any additional questions that might set your mind at ease before choosing a roofing contractor.